The space of the area
1,044 Km2

Educational Facilities

Primary and Middle Schools: There are many primary and middle schools in Izmit. These schools offer comprehensive educational curricula aimed at developing students' basic skills in various subjects.
High Schools: The city of Izmit offers high schools that offer various high school programs. These schools aim to provide an outstanding education that contributes to achieving students' academic and professional goals.
Universities and higher educational institutions:
Kocaeli University: Kocaeli University is one of the most prominent universities in the city. The university offers a wide range of study programs in a variety of scientific and technical disciplines.
Mount Taglar University (Tavşanlı Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi): This is a modern university that offers postgraduate programs in a variety of fields.
University of Ceramics and Glass Industry (Seramik ve Cam Sanatları Üniversitesi): This university offers specialized studies programs in the field of ceramics and glass, and it reflects the history of the region as one of the most important ceramic and glass production areas in Turkey.
Other educational institutions: In addition to the aforementioned universities, the city of Izmit offers another group of higher educational institutions and technical institutes that offer various educational programs.
Schools and universities in the city offer a distinguished educational environment, and seek to develop students' abilities and motivate them to learn and make the most of their educational experience. These institutions reflect the city's commitment to providing high-quality education and supporting the development of the local community and economy.




Social Status

Married : 59%

Unmarried : 29%

1,044 Km2

Price Changes Over Last 5 Years

1 Year Change


3 Year Change


5 Year Change


Apartments for sale in Izmit

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